Update On 'Heroes Of Chiswick' Project

Major exhibition planned on WW1 soldiers from this area

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Heroes of Chiswick

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Since the Heroes of Chiswick project began, volunteer researchers have visited archives and reading rooms all across London to help piece together the life stories of the 33 First World War soldiers commemorated on the memorial at St. Michael’s Church, Elmwood Road, Chiswick.

They've uncovered soldiers' letters home, newspaper articles, photographs and much more - all of which they look forward to sharing in the major exhibition on June 14th at St. Michael's Church , Elmwood Road, Chiswick W4 3DY.

In February, Revered Martine Oborne was delighted to welcome a visit from Sallie Vallins, the niece of two of the soldiers named on the war memorial – Leslie Coombs and Frank Coombs. Sallie was kind enough to share her families' story in a recording for Steve Newbold, the Volunteer Researcher who traced Sallie.

Members of St. Michael’s Youth Club have done their bit too, by taking part in a film-making session in which they interviewed Chiswick residents about their family histories and First World War-era objects, including old family photographs, war medals, and WW1 soldier’s dog tags.

They would welcome contact from other local people who have First World War-era objects or family stories they'd like to be recorded and documented on the Heroes of Chiswick website.

Get in touch with Steve Rolling the project manager at; heroesofchiswick@gmail.com
with any relevant information that you would like to share.

This is an amazing project to commemorate the people of this era and their lives.
For more information see: http://heroesofchiswick.com/

Church website;   http://www.stmichaels-elmwoodroad.org/

March 20, 2014

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