Bicycles and Tools Stolen From Chiswick Sheds

Police issue security advice to help residents prevent thefts


The Police in Chiswick

Following a number of thefts from sheds in Chiswick over the weekend during which tools and bicycles were stolen, Police have issued some security guidelines.

  • Chain garden tools together using strong chain. Then secure to a solid wall or floor anchor.
  • If expensive tools have to be stored in the shed, consider purchasing a strong lockable box or cage.
  • Pedal cycles should also be chained together and ideally locked to secure cycle rack.
  • Please increase the external physical security to your shed. There are various stand-alone alarm devices on the market specifically designed for remote use in garages or sheds
  • Fit two closed shackle padlocks on strong padlock hasps, one a third of the way up from the bottom of the door and one a third down from the top.
  • Screws are easily pulled out or forced from the wood so should be secure padlock hasps and door hinges using threaded coach bolts with backing plates, or large backing washers to prevent the bolts being pulled through the wood.

June 22, 2010