Local Landmarks Celebrated At New Design Awards

Including Dukes Meadows, the Light Box and new building in Barley Mow Passage

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The new water play area in Dukes Meadows, the Light Box business centre in Power Road and the new small building at 1-4 Barley Mow Passage, have been commended in the first ever Rewarding Design Awards.

The panel of specialist judges made a point of highlighting how impressed they were by the number and variety of new developments in the borough. The chose five winners, three of which are in Chiswick.

Cllr Barbara Reid, the council’s lead member for planning and environment, welcomed the awards. She said, “Being surrounded by well designed buildings and spaces can improve and enrich our quality of life. That’s why improving the urban design of our borough is one way we can make Hounslow a better place to live.

“I’m delighted that the council has introduced this new scheme to recognise and celebrate some of the good work that is already undertaken in the borough. Hopefully it will help to inspire improvements to the next generation of building projects in Hounslow.”

In all, five projects were recognised by the Reward Design Awards 2007. They were

  • Heart of Hounslow health centre in Bath Road, designed by the architects Penoyre and Prasad - winner in new public building category
  • New small building at 1-4 Barley Mow Passage, designed by Geoffry Powis - commendation in New Infill building category,
  • 46-48 The Grove, designed by Lawford Associates - commendation in re-use of existing building category
  • The Light Box, 111 Power Road (pictured left), designed by EPS - commendation in refurbishment and re-use of a building for employment use category
    Dukes Meadow Water Play Area, designed by Friends of Dukes - commendation for landscape and play in the public open space category

Local groups representing young people, older people and people with disabilities were invited to comment on the nominated entries.

The judges included independent design experts from CABE Space (which is part of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment), Design for London and Boyasky Murphy Architects.

The next Rewarding Design Awards will be held in 2010.

February 13, 2008