Kew Bridge Development Gets Go Ahead

Sustainable Development Committee agrees to St George's plans

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Cllr Andrew Dakers addressed this week's Planning Committee Meeting with his view was that if St George's Kew Bridge scheme went to appeal, he was doubtful it would be turned down again by a Planning inspector, but the community would incur considerable cost.

His conclusion was therefore on balance that the community was best off accepting the scheme as is now presented. However, he urged Councillors to impose the following conditions:

1) A fair "Open book" agreement to deliver maximum social housing;
2) More work on refining the finish of the building;
3) Rooftop allotments to address the shortage of allotment space in the East of the borough, as well as being a fitting legacy of the eco-village;
4) A contribution towards the cost of re-instating the original style lamp columns to Kew Bridge;
5) Bringing back an old Brentford pub name for the new waterside pub when completed.

Items 2, 4 and 5 are supported by applicant and Council and 1 and 3 are subject to ongoing discussion.

A representative speaking on behalf of all 6 local community groups made clear their strong opposition to the development of 146 luxury flats.

The Eco-villagers intend to continue planting vegetables and making the Kew Bridge Eco Village a wonderful place to visit. If you have any advice for the Eco Village , comments or £250,000 with which to mount the legal case please feel free to contact them on the site phone: 07967864370

Also be sure to check out the Eco Village in Monday's Inside/Out show on BBC1 at 7:30pm.

February 19, 2010