Turnham Green Transport Scheme Moves Forward

Further local consultation will provide opportunity for fresh ideas


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Turnham Green's Transport Scheme moved forward this week when the Chiswick Area Committee Planning meeting approved a revised table of recommendations (original report was presented in November 2005).

The committee considered a report prepared by Chris Calvi-Freeman which presented the developed designs for the proposed changes to traffic management and bus routes around Turnham Green.

The proposed scheme includes reversing the current one-way system on Town Hall Avenue and signalising the Chiswick High Road / Town Hall Avenue and Heathfield Terrace / Sutton Court Road junctions. The scheme will affect bus routes 27, 272, E3 and H91, and is designed to reduce delays and queuing for buses and general traffic.

Members approved the revised report but noted that the previous consultation was undertaken more than two years ago and therefore a further local consultation was necessary. It was agreed this new consultation should allow the opportunity to put forward fresh ideas for consideration and should be simple and straightforward and publicised widely.

A further report will be submitted to the Chiswick Area Committee’s 7 May 2008 Planning meeting, with finalised designs and the results of the above consultations and technical reviews and advice on issues relating to the location or relocation of infrastructure within the Green.

February 8, 2008