Dukes Meadows Trust 'Shock' Over New Management Plan for Parks

The maintenance contract will revert to council owned company Lampton 360

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There has been a mixed reaction to the announcement of the termination of Carillion's contract to manage parks in Hounslow Borough and the transfer of responsibilities to Lampton 360 a company wholly owned by the Council.

Lampton 360 will take over the borough's parks in April 2018 subject to a cabinet decision later this month.

The decision, which was made public on 1 November, has caused concern amongst some local Friends Groups who are disappointed that there was no consultation with them before the move was made. A statement on behalf of the groups including the Dukes Meadows Trust speaks of their 'shock' at the announcement.

A recent survey revealed that Friends Groups have raised millions for parks and complete thousands of hours of work each year to help maintain parks. The groups organise events and festivals, run facilities and make parks attractive, welcoming places to visit. They are upset that, despite this service and commitment to parks, they feel they have been ignored.

The Friends have requested an urgent meeting with the council to discuss the implications of the announcement. They have asked that no irrevocable decisions, such as granting a lease on parks to Lampton 360, are taken, prior to a proper consultation.

The Friends are creating a manifesto for parks; a series of commitments they will be asking candidates in next May's elections to support and parties to adopt. Hounslow is amongst the worst London Boroughs for people having low levels of physical activity and high levels of obesity.

Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Green Policy and Leisure, Hounslow Council, said,“We believe that by bringing this service back in-house, we can integrate it with wider leisure and cultural services, improve what is a service valued by residents and save money.”

Management of library services in Hounslow transferred back to the Council from Carillion in August 2017.

November 3, 2017

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