Vihara requests only financial donations

Thanks given for the support of members

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The appeal co-ordinators at the London Buddhist Vihara say they no longer require non-financial donations for their appeal. The response from the local community was so overwhelming that a huge backlog of donations remains to be processed.

Pat Smith on behalf of the Vihara said, " a sincere thank you is given to members of for their kind and generous support."

They no longer able to accept donations of clothes, medicines etc, and are now only accepting financial contributions to the appeal.  They ask that the public continue to support the appeal.

The co-ordinators ask that people drop by when they have time to spare to help with the relief work at the Vihara. People are also ringing or dropping by to offer to take small parcels out to Sri Lanka if they are flying out, and this is also a huge help.

If you wish to make a financial contribution please contact the Venerable Bandula on: 020 8995 9493. Make cheques payable to "LBV Relief Fund" and send to address below.

Please write your contact details on reverse of cheque.

You can deposit your donations direct to:

Sort Code - 40-50-56
Account Name - LBV-Relief Fund
Account No. - 800016-01
Bank of Ceylon
1 Devonshire Square

January 26, 2005