Brentford Development Will Be 'Air Pollution' Risk |
Local groups call on Minister Eric Pickles to 'save west London' Local groups opposed to the massive development at Lionel Road have said they feel 'sidelined' and want the Secretary of State Eric Pickles to "save West London from this monumental mistake". A statement from the groups says that West London risks an air pollution disaster from the development. West London is already a UK air pollution ‘black spot’ and risks becoming a health disaster for people who live there, they say. "The proposed huge tower blocks planned for the Lionel Road development at Brentford will have a terrible effect", says Robert Colvill, Chairman of the Strand on the Green Association and representing seven other local residents groups. An aerial view of the proposed stadium According to the groups, the density of the residential units is 3 times the maximum set out in the London Plan and this gross over-development is squashed between the North/South Circular Roads and the A4/M4. It contravenes many planning policies, national, regional and local, and has serious implications for the health of residents. To prove their point the groups quote the Hounslow Council Environmental Health Officer's damning comments found in the Planning Application Environmental Statement Additions report : The proposed football stadium, hotel, 775 car parking spaces and residential (mixed) development is in an environment where the prevailing day-time noise level is above 72dB(A), coupled with very poor air quality. I think it’s a poignant moment to reflect that under the previous guidance PPG24, planning permission would normally be refused. Although PPG24 has been replaced by NPPF, one has to remember that planning guidelines for future developments are not any less stringent than before. Therefore it is sufficient to say that the proposed development (at this site) is not sustainable, in accordance with policy 7.14 of London Plan”. London already has the highest levels of NO2 of any capital city in Europe and the UK has the highest proportion of zones breaching legal limits. Information obtained from Mayor Johnson shows that exhaust emissions from passenger cars (including private hire vehicles) of NO2 and dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) are expected to rise from 39% and 49% of transport exhaust emissions respectively in 2010 to a staggering 47% and 54% respectively in 2015, they say.
An independent report by traffic experts White Young Green quoted by the groups says; “The modelling reveals that the most significant impact of the development will be on non-match days. The mixed use development proposed to support the stadium will significantly increase journey times and congestion during the modelled weekday PM peak and most likely at all other times of the day. Match day impacts will be over and above this impact and result in further delays in journey times on the local roads. Other facts quoted by the groups are: · The most significant increase in journey time occurs over Chiswick Roundabout and along Gunnersbury Avenue. This section of route is 1.023km long and is expected to experience an increase in journey time from 03:52 minutes to 09:33 minutes. This represents a 147% increase in journey time over this route · Current network traffic flow is shown to be at its highest in the AM peak; however only the PM peak has been assessed. It is not clear that the highest peak period scenario has been tested. · Both the predicted development traffic and the committed development traffic has been evenly distributed across the two hour assessment period. This is likely to present a best case scenario and does not take into account short term peaks within the two hour assessment period. · No ‘base plus committed development’ scenario has been assessed meaning that a direct comparison of the impact of the development cannot be made. · No queue data has been provided; however based on the increases in journey time it is quite possible that vehicle queuing will extend throughout the study network and beyond in certain time periods. This is likely to impact on the operation of junctions outside the study area. ·The route section tested is part of the strategic road network and a well used bus route. Therefore any increases in journey time should be carefully considered as the impact on both car and bus users is shown in the model to be substantial. This impact should be considered in the context of time lost and the implication of additional vehicle emissions on air quality” "Local families feel totally ignored’ says Mr Colvill, "the main mitigation that is proposed is to install mechanical ventilation on the roofs of the new buildings but this will not help flats if windows are open, residents use their balconies and children use the ground floor outside play areas. The designated play area for 5 to 11 year olds is situated adjacent to the Duffy site where the worst pollution is encountered…..who would want to live there? "We appeal to Secretary of State Eric Pickles to save West London from this monumental mistake.
The development view from Kew Green February 28, 2014 ![]() |