Abundance To Launch Herbal High Road In Chiswick

Part of the Chelsea Fringe Festival in May



Following the success of last year's Edible High Road, Abundance have decided to turn Chiswick into a sweet-scented area with pots of herbs outside local shops.

Last year over 50 businesses took part in creating a "river of fruit trees" along the main shopping areas and they are now seeking participants for this year's event. The Chelsea Fringe runs from May 18- June 9th.

Those taking part will receive an attractive container with a herb bush and surrounding edible planting to display outside their premises throughout the three-week Chelsea Fringe. This will be a large bush (probably lavender or rosemary) with a higher pyramid or trellis for climbing plants, eg. Nasturtiums, beans, sweet peas. The whole ensemble will be nectar-rich - providing valuable sources for pollinating insects – and of course attractive, sweetly-scented and edible.

Last year Abundance London organised the Edible High Road down Chiswick High Road, and along Devonshire Road and Turnham Green Terrace for the first ever Chelsea Fringe Festival.

After the Festival the trees went off for permanent planting to 7 local schools, a local community orchard, and the local farmers’ market – and some of the shops fell in love with their trees and refused to be parted with them.

This year there will be a couple more Edible High Roads around London – following Chiswick’s success – and as the leaders of this movement, they decided to create another exciting project for Chiswick.

After the Fringe, the herbs and containers can either be kept by the participants, or will be used to plant up the permanent beds along the High Road. Some may go to local schools and community projects or may be offered up for auction by Abundance London, with the resulting funds to be used for related community projects.

Abundance London is well known locally for running successful non-profit harvesting projects in Chiswick, working with schools to collect fruit gluts from residents and street trees, and supplying some of Chiswick’s best restaurants and shops with genuinely local fruit. They are local volunteers. More info at http://www.abundancelondon.com.

The Chelsea Fringe is a gardening festival held throughout London over three weeks in May/June at the same time as the Chelsea Flower Show. This year will be the second Fringe.

Please email Karen@abundancelondon.com if you would like to participate. Those paying before 5th March will benefit from the early bird rate.


February 8, 2013
