Chiswick Royal Reporter Dies

James Whitaker passes away after long illness

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The death has been announced of veteran Royal correspondent and long-time Chiswick resident James Whitaker.

Aged 72, he had been suffering from a long illness. He was best known for his many years as royal correspondent with the Daily Mirror although during his career he held staff jobs on all five of Britain's tabloid newspapers.

During his career he covered many of the major stories involving the Royal family including the break-down of the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, and the romance of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Despite being retired, he was often called upon to comment on royal stories.

He lived in the Grove Park area of Chiswick for many years.

Veteran royal photographer Arthur Edwards of the Sun newspaper described him as " a great man and a brilliant reporter".

Royal biographer Andrew Morton described James Whitaker as having "single handedly turned royal watching into an industry".

March 1, 2012