50 Years of CAFOD Celebratory Concert

Our Lady of Grace hosts an evening of popular classics

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On the 21st April at 8PM, Our Lady of Grace & St. Edward's Church will host An Evening of Popular Classics to celebrate 50 years of CAFOD, a Catholic Aid Agency which provides relief to communities in need around the world. The concert will be free and there will be a retiring collection to help support the continuing work that CAFOD do.

The church choir plus children from St Mary’s school will be performing. CAFOD's big focus this year is about water and helping people in the developing world to get access to safe water. Without clean water, people’s lives are in constant danger. Drinking dirty water can be deadly and the daily search for this precious resource wastes countless lives. Every 20 seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water. This year the UK Government will match what people give up to 17th May £1 for £1 – doubling their donation and changing even more lives.

So please come long on the 21st, enjoy the best of our local choral talent and support an extremely worthy cause at the same time.

April 13, 2012