Chiswick Day Centre Gets Its Day in Court

Judge to decide if Hounslow Council's closure of facility was legal

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Hounslow Council To Close Chiswick Day Centre

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Campaigners against the closure of the Chiswick Day Centre will have their day in court next week when they challenge the legality of Hounslow Council's decision.

Four pensioners who were regular users of the Centre applied for a Judicial Review into the closure which they claim was unlawful.

It is thought to be the first time that four elderly women have taken a council to court. The eldest is eighty-six and the youngest is in her sixties.

The Day Centre closed in November after Hounslow Council said it needed to save money and was part of a round of cutbacks.

However Hounslow Council did allow the four elderly claimants to continue to use the Centre, pending the date of the Court hearing.

The hearing is expected to take several hours on Monday (December 12th), where counsel for both sides will present the legal submissions.

Campaigners hope their supporters will brave the cold weather to turn out in large numbers while the case is being heard at the High Court, Royal Courts of Justice at The Strand, from 10 a.m.

December 6, 2011