Police To Host Forum Discussion On Crime

A chance to put your questions and concerns directly to local police

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On Monday (30th April) from 4pm until 6pm PC Dean Martin of the Turnham Green Safer Neighbourhood team will open a discussion thread on the ChiswickW4.com Forum to give you the opportunity to ask questions.

Depending on the response this could well be something that is continued on a monthly basis he says.

PC Martin has worked as a police officer for just over twelve years, eleven years of which have been as a response team officer on the London Borough of Hounslow. He has spent the last year on Turnham Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team during which time a radio link has been set up in many of the shops on the ward.

Theft from motor vehicles and theft of pedal cycles are the biggest problems at the moment.
Pc Deane said he cannot stress enough the importance of NOT leaving valuables in vehicles.

"I have registered on this forum for a number of reasons. Firstly, in order for me to respond to any particular issue relating to crime or anti-social behaviour and deploy officers accordingly.

"Secondly, it is a good way of alerting you all to any crime trends in the local area in order for everybody to be extra vigilant."

Meanwhile following reports of criminal activity at local ATM machines, the police have warned the public to be extra vigilant when withdrawing money. If a machine appears to retain your card and a member of the public asks if you need help, be on your guard, refuse the help, and contact your bank immediately, said a police spokesman. There is always the danger that the ' helper' is part of a plan to distract you.

You should NEVER divulge details of your PIN number to anyone, he said. Anyone who is affected by suspicious behaviour concerning bank accounts or ATMs is asked to contact the police.

April 27, 2012