Two Charged In Chiswick For Malicious Leaflets

The leaflets claimed a local person was a sex offender


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Two people have been arrested and charged in connection with distributing malicious leaflets in Chiswick.

The leaflets, which were posted on cars and circulated to residents claimed that an individual, whose picture was on the leaflet, was a sex offender.

It is understood there may have been hundreds of the leaflets in circulation.

Police undertook a counter-leafleting campaign, distributing 300 leaflets informing the public that this was a malicious act, and that the allegations were untrue.

The police were anxious to prevent any threat of a vigilante attack against the individual, who does not have any record of sex offences. The man had also reported the incident to the police.

Following a surveillance operation by the local Safer Neighbourhood Team, a man was arrested in the early hours of last Sunday morning, (September 17) and subsequently charged at Chiswick Police station with causing criminal damage and harassment.

A female was arrested several hours later and charged with causing harassment.

A court appearance is pending.

September 21, 2012