Iechyd da to Fuller’s

Welsh takes over for a day at brewery

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As part of today’s St David Day celebrations, Fuller’s, London’s only remaining family brewer, held a full tasting tour completely undertaken in Welsh.

Fuller’s tour guide Dafydd Wyn Phillips took some special guests around the fully working Griffin Brewery in his mother tongue, and had a pint of ‘ Balchder Llundain’ (London Pride) afterwards.

“Gobeitho cawn eich gweld ym Mragdy Fullers cyn bo hir,” says Dafydd, who is also training to become a Blue Badge Guide, “Dymunwn Dydd Gŵyl Dewi hapus iawn i chi i gyd. Iechyd da!”

Fuller’s Inns runs over 380 quality pubs, bars and hotels across the south of England. The Fuller’s Beer Company brews London Pride, the UK’s leading premium cask ale, as well as a portfolio of award-winning ales such as Chiswick Bitter, ESB and 1845.

March 1, 2013