New Private Health Club planned in Grove Park Residents seek adjustment to plans to develop University of Westminster Sports Grounds
The Chiswick Area Committee will be asked at the Planning Meeting in Chiswick Town Hall on Wednesday 22nd October at 7.30pm to clear the final hurdle which will permit the building of a new private Health Club on the University of Westminster’s Sports Ground in Grove Park.
planning permission was given five years ago and the first part of the
scheme to build the floodlit hockey pitches has been completed, the final
plans satisfying the conditions imposed by the Council have not yet been
agreed with the developer. Although, in this case, Listed Building Consent is not under their formal direction, English Heritage consider that the scale, bulk and external design of the new buildings either side of the Grandstand will have an adverse impact on its integrity. English Heritage are also concerned that the Conservation Area will be adversely affected not only by the proposed new buildings but also by the massive urbanisation of open land caused by the car park. It is clear from the submitted plans that little consideration has been given by the developers of the need to provide a complementary and harmonious setting for the Listed Building and to preserve the character of the Conservation Area. Grove Park Residents, whilst keen to support a scheme which ensures the restoration and return to full use of the listed Grandstand, are urging the Chiswick Area Committee to defer giving Listed Building Consent and to seek substantial adjustments to the design of the complex in order to provide a worthy setting for this distinctive building within the Conservation Area. John Hole
October 19, 2003