Kitten Reunited With Owners After Missing For A Month

Kenzo had been taken in by a resident in Chiswick


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Kenzo, the black kitten with orange eyes who went missing in the Fairlawn Avenue area, has been reunited with his owners after a month living about a mile away from his home.

The kitten, who was seven months old when he disappeared, was found by Jade, who lives in the Southfield Road area and taken in.

He had been wandering around for at least two weeks, having vanished on 28th September last.

His owner Zoe explains; "He was due to have his chip inserted the week after he disappeared so of course this lady had no idea who he was and she hadnt seen any of my notices which were put up near our home. We reckon he had walked about a mile away."

It wasn't until Jade looked at and spotted the photograph of Kenzo that she realised that he was missing from home, and contacted his owners.

"We'd had loads of sightings and as it was a month on, I had taken down the posters and given up on ever finding him. When this lady phoned and described his orange eyes, I knew it was Kenzo. He'd been living with this lady and she'd even taken him on holidays to Devon," said Zoe.

Kenzo now has a new friend who has visited him regularly since he returned home, where he is leading a quieter life and rarely venturing outside.


January 8, 2013