Parking Fines In Hounslow Borough down by 5% | |||||
Hounslow Council aims for ‘total transparency’ with parking report
The number of parking fines issued in the borough of Hounslow as fallen by 5 % according to the latest report from the Council. And it seems that local residents are amongst the best in London at paying up when they get a fine. More than three-quarters of those who received a ticket paid their fine, and 65% of motorists paid within the 14-day period which gives them a discount . Hounslow Council launched its inaugural Annual Parking and Traffic Enforcement Report this week which it said would give road users in the borough more information than ever before about traffic enforcement The report details that the number of penalties issued by the council has been reduced. In 2010/11 the amount of Penalty Charge Notices ( PCNs) issued has fell over 5% to 139,728, from 147,411 contraventions from the same period in 2008/09. The report also details that Hounslow Council performs in the top 25% of London boroughs for its collection of parking fines. For 2010/11, 77% of PCNs issued were paid, and 65% of motorists who received a PCN paid within 14 days and therefore were charged a discounted rate. The council’s parking team has also outlined the top ten ‘hot spots’ in the borough, giving road users information on the areas of highest contraventions identified and enforced. This will enable motorists to note where contraventions are most likely to occur and take action to avoid similar parking errors. In March Hounslow Council won the CCTV parking enforcement award at this year’s British Parking Awards in recognition of practical changes to improve safety in the borough. Cllr Ed Mayne, Hounslow Council's cabinet member for community safety and regulatory services said; “This report comes on the back of a number of firsts for Hounslow since I took up the post, including a comprehensive Parking and Enforcement Policy launched in May 2011, a new parking management information system and the introduction of the ‘stop and shop’ 30 minute free parking scheme. “What the report outlines is that our parking services are clearly improving. Fines are falling and we’re working more closely with residents to make traffic in the borough work. We must not, however, rest on our laurels. “Motorists and road users continue to be some of the most demanding with regard to transparency in the parking representation and appeal decision making process. “However we will continue to improve the service and make the roads better and safer in the London Borough of Hounslow.” December 19, 2011 |