Local Groups Unite On Chiswick Development Plan

Meeting to discuss potential Sainsbury relocation and high-rise flats

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Opposition is growing in Chiswick to any potential development which might change the character of the High Road opposite Turnham Green.

Local groups concerned about a potential development which reportedly includes a ‘Sainsbury’ relocation to the High Road opposite Christ Church, have come together to formulate a co-ordinated response.

A meeting will be held at Christ Church, Turnham Green, on Thursday, 4th October at 8 p.m. All are welcome.

An informal meeting of local residents was held last week where it was decided that a response was needed of what people would like to see in that stretch of the High Road, which is a Conservation area. The Hounslow Chamber of Commerce has also offered advice.

Representatives of the Friends of Turnham Green, the West Chiswick & Gunnersbury Group and the Bedford Park Society will attend, but one of the organisers said all other individuals and groups were more than welcome.

The area in question for possible redevelopment is the section between Acton Lane and Essex Place/Square. There are unconfirmed reports that Sainsbury may be considering moving from its present location as part of a development which would substantially change the face of Chiswick High Road.

Recent rumours have been fuelled by the closure of a number of businesses along that parade of shops. Last year, drawings by Tatehindle architects showed plans for extensive development in that area.

One of the organisers of the meeting told ChiswickW4.com that while as yet there was no concrete information on development of that area, it was important to have a response ready which would show developers and the Council that local people would not be in favour of any changes which lead to a further loss of local character. They would not be in favour of any increases in density which would not enhance the area.

The architectural drawings last year showed ideas for the current site around the Sainsbury's car park to be turned into a mixed use development comprised of apartments, retail and commercial premises. The main Sainsbury store was envisaged as being relocated fronting the High Road.

The drawings were entitled ' The Chiswick High Road Project'.

Under that plan, 96 apartments were to be split between two blocks: an existing 12-storey office building would be converted into forty apartments with views across the park, and a new five-storey residential block to the north which would enclose a central landscaped courtyard. The proposals provide for the tower to be re-clad, with retail at ground level.

A further design plan envisaged a new 13,000 square foot office-block, fronting Acton Lane, to maintain the " quantum of employment space" within the development.

Neither Hounslow Council or Sainsbury have made any public comment on the matter.

October 3, 2012