Report Issued on Chiswick High Road Traffic

Analysis shows impact of closure of Hammersmith Flyover

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A report into the impact of the partial closure of the Hammersmith Flyover on traffic in Chiswick has shown a 20% increase in rush-hour traffic on the Chiswick High Road. The flyover is scheduled to re-open on Monday, May 28th.

The report was presented to the Chiswick Area Committee meeting on May 23rd and it shows that the last few months have seen a significant increase in the number of cars travelling eastbound at the eastern end of Chiswick High Road.

Over 100 extra vehicles an hour were recorded at peak times. But elsewhere the increase in the number of vehicles on local roads has not been large with little increase in afternoon traffic and even a small decrease in off-peak periods.

The initial full closure and then the reduced, one lane capacity of the flyover resulted in delays along the A4 causing many drivers to divert along Chiswick High Road.

Eastbound jams on Chiswick High Road

Eastbound jams on Chiswick High Road

On January 6th Hounslow Council issued a temporary notice making all bus lanes operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a corresponding “no waiting and no loading at any time” parking restriction in the bus lanes, and all single yellow line parking restrictions on Chiswick High Road to operate between the hours of 7am and 8pm, seven days a week. On 31st January these restrictions were relaxed following the partial opening of Hammersmith flyover to light vehicles. Bus lanes were only in operation between 7am-7pm and the restrictions on parking on yellow lines were changed to finish at 7pm rather than 8pm.

Since 22 February 2012, automatic traffic counters have been measuring Chiswick High Road traffic flows at the borough’s two existing monitoring sites. The High Road has experienced poor traffic conditions since the closure with vehicles regularly at a standstill.

The traffic analysis shows that during the week at morning peak-time there was an increase of 100 vehicles an hour on the High Road which represents and increase of about 20%. However, off-peak traffic has slightly decreased and the increase in the afternoon peak has been small.

Westbound traffic has actually seen a decrease of about 10% during the daytime and Saturday traffic has not increased to a degree that is statistically significant. Sunday traffic has seen increases of 10% only during the evening period.

The eastern end of Chiswick High Road (between Ravensmede Way and Prebend Gardens) has seen the biggest increase. During the weekday morning peak (6am-8am) there has been an increase of around 140 vehicles an hour, an increase of 23% on this section of the High Road presumably caused by traffic leaving the A4 at Hogarth Roundabout. On Sunday there has been an increase of over 100 vehicles per hour during the daytime. The report claims that this increase justifies the introduction of Sunday parking restrictions.

The flyover is due to be fully reopened eastbound at 6am on Monday 28 May 2012 and at 6am on Tuesday 29 May 2012 westbound. These dates may be subject to change depending on the weather.

The Temporary Traffic Regulation Order which allowed the temporary bus lane and parking restrictions is directly linked to the works to the Hammersmith Flyover and will cease to be in effect once the works are over. Should the flyover open as planned on the 28 May then any enforcement would cease at that time and work to change the signs would commence according to the Council report.

May 25, 2012