Chiswick School Gets ‘ Good’ Ofsted report

Students and teachers praised for improvement

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Chiswick School is celebrating an Ofsted report which has upgraded its verdict to “good”, following two “satisfactory” verdicts over the past six years.

Formerly known as Chiswick Community School until it changed to an Academy on March 1st, the inspection took place on March 21st and 22nd, using the new tougher framework introduced in January. The school in Burlington Lane has 1200 students aged 11-18 and last year got the highest A-Level results in the Borough with 33% A or A* grades.

The school watchdog found the school ‘good ‘ in all four areas, which are Pupil Achievement, Quality of Teaching, Behaviour and Safety as well as Leadership and Management.

Some of the comments made by the inspectors include ;

‘Students work productively and at a good pace and are confident in discussing what they have learned.... Attainment at the school is above average...Students mix well together and interact with adults with good humour and good manners...Students in the sixth form achieve well and make good progress.

It goes on to praise the teachers for their "good" to "outstanding" practice.

“Good relationships between students and adults based on high expectations ensure a calm learning atmosphere...Higher order questioning was used to extend students’ learning and encourage them to reflect...Teachers use good subject knowledge to plan engaging lessons".

The Headteacher and senior team are also praised for leading the turn around.

‘They have led a relentless drive for improvement which has resulted in a sustained increase in achievement over time’

The Head teacher Tony Ryan commented;

“This report is fantastic news for our students, parents, staff and governors. Chiswick has had the “satisfactory” label for far too long, I am delighted that the school has been officially recognised as providing a good standard of education for our students.

Parents can rest assured that the journey is not over yet, there are some strong elements of outstanding practice in the school, these were clearly recognised by the inspection team and everyone at Chiswick School now wants to push on to the next level.  Our aspiration is to deliver a world class educational experience for all students", he said.

The full report is being distributed to parents and is available on the school website.

In 2011, 92% of Chiswick School students achieved 5 GCSE or equivalents at grades A* to C in a school record for this measure, whilst 60% achieved 5 good grades including English and Maths.

In 2011, a much improved set of A level results was achieved by Chiswick School when 33% per cent of results were in the A and A* category. This was double the number achieved in 2010 and the highest in the Hounslow Borough.


April 19, 2012