CPZ For Part Of Grove Park Gets Go Ahead

Council to introduce controversial controlled parking zone in two streets


Fury Over Grove Park CPZ 'Trojan Horse'

Agenda for Delegated Decision Meeting

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Hounslow Council is to introduce a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in an area of Grove Park. The scheme will run from 10am to 12 noon from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and applies to an area in the vicinity of Chiswick House and Gardens.

It will cover Park Road and the eastern arm of Staveley Road between Park Road and Burlington Lane.

No date has yet been given for the introduction of the limited CPZ but it is expected to be operational in early 2013.

The Council's cabinet member with responsibility for parking, Cllr Ed Mayne, will sign the decision notice next week (Dec 17th). The CPZ will be reviewed after six months operation and the results will be reported to the Chiswick Area Forum.

The matter has been the subject of local controversy. Some fear that the introduction of controlled parking in Park and Staveley Roads might be introducing "CPZ by stealth" into the Grove Park area. Local councillors have also criticised the manner in which Cllr. Mayne (pictured on right) has acted on the issue.

The decision to introduce the controlled parking follows a consultation asking whether residents of Park Road and Staveley Road wanted a CPZ. The consultation took place after the council was asked by the Chiswick House and Gardens Trust to introduce parking charges at Chiswick House car park which some feared could lead to increased commuter parking on neighbouring residential streets.

A view of Park Road near Chiswick House

Cllr Ed Mayne, cabinet member for community safety and regulatory services, said today (Dec 11) ; “The results of the consultation clearly showed local people were supportive of a CPZ on their roads. The introduction of pay and display parking at Chiswick House raised the real threat of commuters who previously took advantage of the free parking taking up spaces on these roads instead.

“The limited hours help tackle commuter parking and have least impact on local residents. In making sure that residents’ views are central to this scheme, I have asked for it to be reviewed after six months so local councillors can be updated on its effect, and can determine its future.”

The consultation was delivered to 246 households in Park Road and Staveley Road, in September, and was also available on the council’s website. Residents were asked if the favoured the introduction of a CPZ, and if so, when it should operate. There were 139 (57%) responses with 99 households (71%) in favour of a CPZ, and 40 (29%) against.

Two thirds (66%) of those in favour of preferred the hours of operation to be 10am – 12 noon, and 55% of those favoured Monday to Friday as the operational days.

The decision notice has been published here.

A statement on behalf of the Park Road and Staveley Road residents who campaigned to have a CPZ in their area said ; " ‘A large proportion of the residents of Park Road and Staveley Road welcome the move to introduce a limited parking scheme in these two busy and over-parked roads.  This has been their consistent position over past consultations.  In our view residents who suffer continual parking abuse in their roads should have the right to vote for such a scheme." 

Local councillors and those opposed to the consultation on a CPZ in Park and Staveley Roads claimed it was unnecessary and a waste of public official's time and public funds. They claimed it was “illogical“ to consult on the impact of the Chiswick House car-park charges until any new patterns of parking behaviour were established.

They also complained that the decision to re-consult residents in two streets ignored the wishes of the majority of residents in the ward and these opinions had been outlined in previous CPZ consultations and a petition. They also said the consultation ignored a recent unanimous decision of the CAF not to re-consult. They are also annoyed with Cllr Mayne for using his cabinet powers on parking against the wishes of the local councillors.

December 11, 2012

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