Protest Rally To Be Held Against Cycleway 9

In advance of Hounslow cabinet meeting on the controversial scheme


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Local Conservative councillors have organised a protest rally against the proposed Cycleway 9 (CW9) this Tuesday (3 September) at the headquarters of Hounslow Council (Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3EB). The rally will take place from 5.45 pm.

The rally is in advance of the cabinet meeting at 7pm which is scheduled to debate and give its decision on the cycleway, which would pass along Chiswick High Road and onto Brentford.

The council is widely expected to give its backing to the scheme which is proposed by Transport for London (TfL) and supported by the Hounslow Cycling Group and other cycling campaigners. It has been a divisive issue for the past two years between those who support the design and those who say that they are pro-cycling but believe the design is flawed and that taking it through a high street will be disastrous.

The nine Chiswick councillors (Conservatives) have opposed the proposal and say that if it goes ahead it is "threatening our cafe and restaurant culture, our local independent shops, endangering our elderly and those with mobility issues or young children due to multiple hazardous and confusing crossings as well as removing three mature, handsome trees that give Chiswick its leafy charm and reputation.

"It will not improve pollution (TfL's best projected outcome is neutral on pollution) or congestion. Removing a bus lane and other changes will cause bumper to bumper traffic (to be further exacerbated not just by the segregated cycle lane but also by the current closure to traffic of Hammersmith bridge). In short, it threatens the very essence of our community."

Cllr Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council said: “CW9 is intended to run from Kensington Olympia to Hounslow town centre and I’m very pleased that so many residents have taken a keen interest in the proposals being put forward by TfL.

“Visitors are welcome to attend the meeting as observers, although for health and safety reasons, space is limited in the council chamber. Therefore in addition to the 60 councillors, senior officers, additional speakers and members of the press, we are restricting the number of seats for members of the public to 100. These will be handed out on a first come, first served basis from 6.15pm in the Hounslow House reception.”

Pro-cycleway groups and Hounslow Council officers who reviewed the scheme reject these claims.

The petition against the cycleway, can be signed up to at the start of the cabinet meeting. IT currently has a total of 4,535 signatures (2,728 on paper and 1,765 online).

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September 2, 2019

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