New Chiswick Business Networks Formed |
Help to improve your career by joining exciting initiatives
Two new initiatives to help local entrepreneurs network with each other in Chiswick start this month. The Chiswick Creative Network, a group of independent businesses, have come together to highlight the fact that there is a good pool of creative local talent which could be used by local businesses. The other group, More To Life Than Shoes ( MTLTS) is aimed at women and will consist of a series of monthly themed meetings. The first meeting of the Chiswick Creative Network is at Sam’s Brasserie on Thursday, March 16 th from 0930 to 1030.They plan to run a ‘ clinic’ every third Thursday. All Chiswick businesses are welcome. Information and contact details can be found on their new website and they tweet as @ChiswickCreate- there is also a LinkedIn Group which is open to all. The MTLTS group is having its launch event at High Road House , 162, Chiswick High Road on March 26 th at 1900-2200. Tickets for non members are £12 while MTLTS members tickets are £5. A statement from the group promises a new kind of women's network. “ No power suits. No swagger. We're all about sharing ideas, skills, secrets and success ” The theme this month is' Positive Thinking' but other themes planned for this year include 'Dress for Success’ , ‘ Balancing Act ’ , and ‘ Get Organised ’ . The group is encouraging members to share ideas, events or products or just talk about interesting articles or websites. Anyone who would like to have a chat to find out more about the group can email March 12, 2012