An Introduction to Centering Prayer

Parishioners of all local Churches invited to Our Lady of Grace & St Edward

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The Church of Our Lady of Grace & St Edward in Chiswick High Road is holding an Introduction to Centering Prayer. It has invited parishioners from other local churches to take part

It is a one day event from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Saturday 10th November.

This method of prayer is designed to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer and is inspired by Christ saying in Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret” and as then developed by S. John Cassian, by the author of the Cloud of Unknowing, by S. Francis de Sales, S. Teresa of Avila, S. John of the Cross, S. Therese of Lisieux and Thomas Merton.

Following this one day introduction it is hoped to start a Centering Prayer Group in the parish to meet on a regular basis.

The day itself will be led by Elizabeth Smith, the founder of Contemplative Outreach UK, who has been promoting this form of prayer for over 20 years.

The suggested donation for this day is £10-15 which will go to the charity running the day on 10th November, Contemplative Outreach UK – not to the parish.

Tea/ Coffee will be provided on the day but please bring a packed lunch.

As places are limited please contact the Parish Office 020 8994 2877
or John O’Brien 020 8746 2157 email:

November 2, 2012

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