Labour Party Will Fight Chiswick Fire Station Cuts

They want local MPs and GLA members to oppose closure threat


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Labour Party councillors have pledged to fight any threat to Chiswick Fire Station as part of the sweeping cutbacks which target stations across London.

The future of Chiswick Fire Station is uncertain as plans are discussed to save £65 million over the next two years by closing stations and cutting jobs. London Fire Authority's budget has to be slashed by £64.8 million over the next two years, which puts 31 fire stations “at risk”.

The Chairman of the Chiswick Labour party, Andrew Lewin said the local Labour Party would do everything in its power to save Chiswick Fire Station. Labour Party councillors moved a motion at the recent meeting of Hounslow Council, calling on local MPs and GLA member Tony Arbour to “forcefully oppose” any threat to Chiswick Fire Station.

Losing the fire station would increase response times and put lives at risk, said Mr. Lewin.

“Conservatives in City Hall and Westminster were elected on a hollow pledge to 'protect front line services’ but we’ve already seen countless promises broken,” he said.

Mr. Lewin added that it was “imperative that Conservatives change their position and local MP Mary Macleod and GLA member Tony Arbour start acting in the interests of their constituents."

In response to the proposed cuts, the Labour party has launched the ‘999 SOS’ campaign, urging the Conservatives to abandon plans for devastating cuts to front-line services that also threaten ambulance services and police officers.

The Fifth London Safety Plan document discussed by members of the Authority last month contains a number of remodelled £25 million cost-cutting options under which Chiswick Station was targeted for closure. The option suggested that Chiswick might close and Acton gain another appliance.

A leaked report had earlier suggested that Acton would close and Chiswick gain another appliance.

The report to the LFEPA report states; “An example of a revision based upon practicalities is that the modelling proposal to close Acton and add a pumping appliance to Chiswick would not proceed. Acton fire station also hosts the LAS and single person quarters and both of these could be protected if Acton remains open."

A spokesman for the Authority told Chiswick that no option had been decided upon and final decisions on station closures would not be made until next year.

The Authority has said that the modelling work is not complete and should not be taken as representing final proposals.

Anyone who wishes to read the latest report of the Authority in full can do so at;


December 6, 2012

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