Green Party Local Election Candidates |
Standing for the Riverside area in Chiswick
The three candidates are Darbari Rachhpaul Bedi, Dr Diane Scott and Daniel Goldsmith. Rachhpaul Bedi, a law graduate with honours and a lay preacher, is a volunteer legal adviser to a charity that helps disabled and vulnerable people with their legal problems. A founder of the Alexandra Gardens Residents’ Association, Rachhpaul works to make the area both safer and cleaner for everyone. He successfully campaigned to keep Duke’s Meadows Children’s Centre open. He is working with the council to sort out a number of local issues raised by residents including the dangerous pavements in the Sutton Court Road. Daniel Goldsmith is an IT consultant who lives and works locally. A keen cyclist, he wants safer European-standard conditions for cyclists in Hounslow: dedicated cycle paths, plentiful cycle stands at railway stations and in other public areas. He believes more cycling will decrease air pollution. Daniel is passionately concerned about and has campaigned against airport expansion, climate change and air pollution. Dr Diane Scott is a medical researcher. Her priorities for the NHS are better provision of patient care, particularly mental health care. She continues to campaign against the expansion of Heathrow airport. Having lived in Grove Park for more than thirty years she feels passionate about the need to preserve the special character of the area. She helped set up Chiswick Transition, raising awareness of climate change and promoting local sustainability and resilience. If elected the new Green councillors will: The Green Party is standing at least one candidate in every ward in the Brentford and Isleworth constituency. Riverside is one of three wards in Chiswick. Voting takes place in the local elections on May 22nd. The Conservative Party, which already has three councillors in the area ( Paul Lynch, Felicity Barwood and Sam Hearn) is also re-contesting its seats. The Liberal Democrat candidate in Chiswick Riverside is Phyllis Ballentyne. The Labour Party candidates in Riverside are Rakib Ruhel, Rasheed Bhatti, and Gordon Sheppy. Andy Murray is running for election as an independent candidate.
April 22, 2014