Action Group Survey On Parking In Chiswick

Most favour 30 min free parking but large number walk to shops


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The Chiswick High Road Action Group's survey into parking has found that while two-thirds of people would favour free 30 minutes parking, a sizeable majority of those who responded walk to the shops.

Chiswick High Road Action Group carried out this survey during October and November 2013 and feedback will be given to Hounslow Council.

The main findings were:

  • All respondents shop in Chiswick; 97% shop in the Chiswick High Road area more than once a week
  • 73% often or always walk to the shops, 25% cycle regularly to the shops
  • 67% rarely use the bus for shopping
  • 91% own or drive a car; 4% always use the car to shop; 28% often use the car
  • 41% of car drivers regularly use parking bays; 52% regularly park in Sainsbury’s
  • 79% are in favour of 30 minutes free parking
  • 64% would consider shopping more often if there were 30 mins free parking
  • 57% believe that 30 mins free parking would make them spend more money shopping

A Chiswick High Road Action Group spokesperson said: “Everyone likes the idea of free parking which was unsurprising, but the result is more complex. Although pretty well everyone in Chiswick has a car, an astonishing – and healthy - 73% walk to the shops. The issue may well be availability of space, not the cost, and free parking may not even benefit all shops. The health of our High Road area may seem robust at first sight, but if we value the services and shops on offer, we need to support them, both by spending our money there, but also with positive measures from the council.”

There were many additional comments from survey respondents, eg : “It’s not parking but the selection of shops that is a deal breaker.” “Improving traffic flows and reducing congestion would make the High Road more appealing, 30 minutes free parking would make things worse.” “More cycling parking provision.” “One car-free day per month,” “Greater variety of shops.”

January 28, 2014