
Our email newsletter is your essential guide to life in Chiswick.


Sign up for our weekly Chiswick newsletter

Our weekly e-mail newsletter has the largest distribution of any similar local publication in the UK.

If you want to advertise in the newsletter the best value is provided by purchasing one of our advertising packages which ensures a comprehensive promotion on the site. What's more if you buy one of these packages and you are not happy with the initial response you get your money back.

Every week you will receive an e-mail telling you about events, issues, news in Chiswick and keeping you up to date with new things on the site.

To see what kind of item appears in the newsletter check out our archive of news stories.

We often break exclusive news stories in the newsletter first so it gives you earlyt access to information about the area in which you live before you will hear about it on social media.

The newsletter goes to over 19,000 people in Chiswick. To receive it just click here - registering for the newsletter allows you to fully use the other applications on the site such as the classifieds and the discussion forum.

The newsletter is free and you can take yourself off the list to receive it whenever you want. We never give your details to third parties and we are registered with the Data Protection authorities.

If there are any issues that you think we should cover in the newsletter send an e-mail to

If you want to submit something for inclusion in the letter it generally goes out on Sunday morning but it's helpful if we receive contributions before Friday lunch-time.