High Road Group Seek Local Opinions

Questionnaire will ask people how they feel about developments


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The Chiswick High Road Action Group (CHRAG) has organised a questionnaire to find out what local people think about possible future developments on Chiswick High Road.

The group will hold its next meeting at Christchurch, Turnham Green on 10th December 2012 at 7.30 pm. It will last for approximately one hour.

At the meeting, CHRAG hopes to provide an update on ongoing and anticipated planning proposals, and those attending will be asked to share views in discussion.

The questionnaire seeks to establish what people feel is special, not so special, what is worth saving, and what could be improved in terms of possible local developments.

Click here for questionnaire

Those who cannot attend the meeting can fill in the questionnaire and return it to the group before 12 December.

The group can be followed on Twitter: @ChiswickHighRd

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChiswickHighRoadActionGroup

December 1, 2012

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