High Road Action Group Latest News

Good turnout at meeting to discuss planning issues


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The Chiswick High Road Action Group (CHRAG) had a good turnout for its recent meeting in Christ Church, Turnham Green. Maggie Urquhart, Conservation Officer for Hounslow Council, gave an explanation of her task -compiling the Character & Context Study for the whole of Chiswick, of which the High Road is one area amongst many.

George Vasdekys, of the charity Planning Aid for London, explained the significance and importance of these studies, which will form part of the forthcoming Local Plans that each borough has to draw up.

Marie Rabouhans, Vice-chair of the West Chiswick & Gunnersbury Society, spoke about the questionnaire which the CHRAG has been distributing. There was a lively discussion amongst the audience, with contributions from Cllrs Adrian Lee, Theo Dennison and Samantha Davies.

The CHRAG has had a very good response, and also favourable feedback about the creation of the group. It is hoped that the strong response will underline to council planners and developers the level of anxiety that local residents, workers and businesses feel about the area, and about any inappropriate developments.

CHRAG will be analysing the responses over the next few days and will be formulating its response based on the answers in the questionnaire. This is the current priority for the group. Anyone wishing to get involved in CHRAG is invited to get in touch via highroadactiongroup@yahoo.com

The group can be followed on Twitter: @ChiswickHighRd

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChiswickHighRoadActionGroup

December 14, 2012

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