Redesign Of Turnham Green Rockery

The new scheme will have play space and sheltered seating


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A redesign of the rockery in the northwest corner of Turnham Green will create a haven for local residents near the busy High Road.

The rockery is being relocated away from its current position two metres from the nearby busy junction. The aim is to create a more sheltered space with seating and play space for children.

Under the new design the reshaped rockery will sit forming a crescent facing towards Christ Church, and curving around a central planted bed.

Bespoke oak timber seating will be installed, a new stretch of low yew hedging will create an enclosed feeling, and a log in the shape of a ' fallen tree’ will be placed for children to play and climb on.

The inclusion of educational interpretation and art from community projects involving a local artist is also planned, with information about wildflowers, local history and famous local residents.

Funding for the project has come from the BIFFA Award and from Hounslow Council.

The work is being undertaken by Kingston Garden Services, with a design by Paul Upward from Groundwork. The nearby wildflower meadow has cut back to rest over the winter as rockery begins to take shape in the north west corner and footpath work will begin soon.

The Friends of Turnham Green invite people to a meeting on Thursday 15 th November ( 8-9pm) at Christ Church, to share thoughts on what has been achieved so far or contribute ideas for the next phase.

October 26, 2012

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