Thames Tunnel‏ - Local Meeting Update

Amended plans outlined to Councillors and residents


Subsidence, Boring Machines and 10m Tall Ventilation Column

Sewage Tunnel to be Built Under Chiswick

Chiswick Gets Super Sewer Reprieve

Thames Tunnel Go Ahead Signals Disruption for Chiswick

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There was a meeting last Thursday evening in the Scout Hut, Rugby Road, about the possibility of Thames Water constructing storm tanks in Acton and Chiswick with the aim of reducing pollution in the Thames.

Local councillor Andrew Steed attended the meeting and reports on some of the issues raised.

Andrew said: “Thursday night was well presented and informative, with an effective Q & A session which most people seemed satisfied with. As the second stage of the Consultative Process has been delayed, we await publication of a great deal of information, which will be released next month. However, we were brought up to date on the amended plans which involve a widening of the intended [Thames] tunnel, and given an estimated schedule for the consultation process and opportunities to comment up to the start of works in 2017.”

Councillor Andrew Steed said: “There are still unresolved issues, not least being what will happen to the site once it becomes redundant after the work has been completed. This will be an issue for Ealing Council to look at, and we hope that local residents and elected representatives will be asked to contribute to any discussions that take place.”

Councillor Andrew Steed added: “I would like to express thanks to Richard Aylard and his team from Thames Water, and also to Don and Suzanne Tanswell from Southfield Park Triangle Residents Association for organising the event. Finally thanks to local residents for turning up and asking such a comprehensive range of questions.”

Below is an example of how the Warple Way site could look after construction has finished.

October 11, 2010