Calling All Veteran Rowers

Mortlake Anglian & Alpha Rowing Club seeks new members


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Sports in Chiswick

Mortlake Anglian & Alpha Rowing Club (MAABC – in Ibis Lane: Chiswick Staythe) is looking to encourage some new local veteran oars who want to return to rowing.

They have a vets group who go out on Saturday afternoons (and a couple of times in the week for those who are free) and are looking for some new blood.

They will be very happy to invite a small number of vets (over 40) who have rowed before and who want to take it up again to join on a trial basis – joining the club after a few sessions if they are interested.

The Saturday vets are a recreational group (outing followed by prop up the bar), but for the competitively minded the club has active competitive groups also.

Men or women welcome.

If interested, please contact .

August 25, 2012