Pet Services in Chiswick

Chiswick Pets started out as a Pet Shop, and we have been an independent local trader in the area for over 20 years. We are proud of our reputation for excellent quality, great service, and our commitment to the welfare of both our own and our customers animals!

Our staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and we are happy to advise on all aspects of pet care, training, feeding and housing.

As well as the multitude of animals often wandering free range round the shop (who can often be found "helping" the staff) we also stock a selection of small mammals, fish, reptiles, insects and amphibians for sale.

We also offer a Boarding and Home Visit service, as well as the new Grooming service.

Chiswick Pets
32-34 Devonshire Road
020 8747 0715

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Enhanced listings which include guaranteed prominence and a logo/picture are available from £95 plus VAT.

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