Time To Hit The Barre?

The ballet 'barre', that is - with Rachel Lawrence Pilates

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To start working towards the body you want right now just email Rachel for further details at:

You can also follow Rachel on Twitter  @Rachel_Pilates or join her Facebook page to find out more about her special offers, fitness advice and all things feelgood and fitness-based.  

Local Pilates expert Rachel Lawrence has gained quite a following since she began teaching in Chiswick a year or so ago. Her students are so happy in fact that she was recently voted a winner in the Netmums Favourite Awards 2014 for the most popular Pilates class in the Borough: click here.

Never one to standstill, though, Rachel takes regular trips back to California, where she trained in Pilates, to update her skills and to cherry-pick the latest US trends in fitness and bring them back home to Chiswick.

As a former dancer, Rachel was particularly drawn to the use of ballet barres in exercise classes, a trend that has swept the US with women, and quite a few men, flocking to barre workout classes. To see why you only need to look at what this kind of exercise does for dancers. Ballet trained dancers have grace, they have long lean muscles, they have great flexibility, and they have surprising strength.

Dance is more popular than ever in the UK, as proven by the popularity of ratings hits Strictly Come Dancing and Channel 4’s Big Ballet. These shows have proved that dancing is for everyone, and that dance based fitness is not only fun but it really works if you want drop extra weight and whip your body into shape fast.

During her time as a professional dancer Rachel worked in shows all over Europe. It was during this time that she realised how effective dance based conditioning was. It offers the quickest, most enjoyable way to get in shape, with its great combination of cardio fitness, strength conditioning, and flexibility. With this in mind, and using her many years of dance training and her knowledge as a Certified Pilates Instructor with Dance Specialisation, Rachel has created her own Ballet Barre Workout.

Who knew burning fat, toning, and sculpting your body could be such fun!

Mixing dance conditioning exercises at the ballet barre with traditional Pilates, this class will give you a fabulous cardio workout that is both low impact and high intensity. Ideal if you want to burn fat, tone, sculpt and lift your body, it requires no dance experience, and there’s no need for a tutu unless you really want to!

If you love dancing and like to work out to up tempo tunes that get your whole body moving this is the class for you, and you’ll be doing the kind of exercises that give dancers their beautiful lean limbs.

The Ballet Barre Workout is a dynamic, full body exercise class. You will improve your fitness and be able to focus completely on your body as you tune into the music and tune out of your day-to-day stresses, working your body to the max. But be prepared to sweat as you will burn a lot of calories, just like professional dancers do!

Dance yourself fit

Dance is a proven form of exercise that gets great results. You’ll improve your cardio fitness, general stamina and, with regular attendance, see a vast improvement in overall muscle tone. The weight resistance exercises tone, sculpt and lift those tricky areas that other forms of exercise can find hard to reach.

In the one hour class you will work all the minor and major muscle groups. You’ll move your joints through all the ranges of motion, and you’ll work your core on the same deep level as you would in a Pilates’ class. The difference is the focus on moving to music, which means that you will be working your body really hard without even realising.

The music has all been carefully selected by Rachel. She has created a unique playlist of contemporary sounds that will make you feel great. You will get a wonderful rush of dance and music inspired endorphins which, combined with a thorough workout for your body leaves you feeling fit, energized and positive in what you’ve achieved.

Learn from dancers

A trained dancer and a Certified Pilates Instructor with Dance Specialisation, Rachel has put her 30 plus years of knowledge into this class. All the exercises have been carefully designed drawing on Rachel’s knowledge of the body and how its muscles and joints move.

All the classes are taught either by Rachel or one of her team of fully qualified dance teachers, all of whom have undertaken personal training from Rachel, s o you can be sure that you are in good hands.

What people are saying about this class

“Rachel's teaching method is very motivating and she never eases up on you in the 60 minutes, which I love. I need to be pushed hard! Also, Rachel looks amazing and that's what we all aspire to”. Amina

“I look forward to the Barre Workout classes every week. It works on every muscle and you really feel like you've had a good workout. Plus Rachel makes the class really fun and enjoyable”. Jill

“Rachel's a wonderful teacher - I've been attending the Ballet barre workout for several months now and can really see and feel the difference in my legs, abs and arms. It's also good fun and the hour flies by!” Catherine

Rachel Lawrence Pilates offers weekly classes in hotspots along Chiswick High Road, with a class for everybody: dynamic, technique based or stretch classes through to Rachel’s specially developed Ballet Barre Workout. You’ll tone up fast but, like anything in life that’s worth having, you have to put the work in and come to regular classes to get results

To start working towards the body you want right now just email Rachel for further details at:


You can also follow Rachel on Twitter  @Rachel_Pilates  or join her Facebook page to find out more about her special offers, fitness advice and all things feelgood and fitness-based.  



April 2, 2014