New Smartphone App to Help Stressed Parents

Planning days out with small children to be easier

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Local parents of young children are being asked to help launch a free smartphone app which will give advice about days out in London.

Babyaoutandabout is offering local playgroups, nurseries or kindergartens the chance to earn up to £50, by helping other mums and dads. All they need to do is log onto and upload where to go and where not with babies and toddlers in the capital. For every new entry they will award £1 to the group, capped at £50 and with a current fund of £500 available.

"Mums and dads across the capital hold an incredible amount of knowledge of where to go and where to avoid when out and about across the capital with children. Baby Out and About is calling for parents to share that knowledge by uploading and rating their favourite and not so favourite spots to take little ones at" said a statement from the organisers.

"Leaving the house without a very clear action plan can be incredibly daunting! Knowing where you can pit-stop for a nappy change, breast feed and toddler snack or meal is often critical to the success of an outing! Local, West End and City – knowing where you can take children and not be made to feel as if you landed from outer space is incredibly hard. "

The information uploaded by parents and child carers will all go to make a free smartphone app. Whether parents plan journeys from their home PC or need to access information from their phone while out ,they just open to get the stress-relieving answer to dilemma – ‘where to go?’

It is believed the app could be helpful to families visiting London and needing advice on where to go with young children.

Baby Out and About is offering playgroups the chance to secure up to £50 for its group. When uploading simply include the name of your playgroup (get all mums to agree so they all get counted) and Baby Out and About will donate £1 for every new place uploaded.

For more information contact

November 25, 2011