Local MP Welcomes New Laws On Stalking |
Mary Macleod says victims will get peace of mind
Local MP Mary Macleod has welcomed new laws which she says will help to bring peace of mind to victims of stalking. The MP for Brentford and Isleworth who is a long-time campaigner on womens' issues, praised the new law on stalking, along with a raft of other supportive measures designed to tackle violence against women and girls. Mary commented; “Stalking is abhorrent. It is a crime that shatters the lives of its victims and for too long under the last Government it went unnoticed. This Government will not stand by and see people’s lives ruined. These new laws will help bring peace of mind to victims suffering because of stalking”. In a statement earlier, Home Secretary Theresa May said: "Stalking is a sickening and cowardly crime. Too many women live in fear, forced to look constantly over their shoulder. We need to end their suffering. That is why we are acting now. “These new laws send a clear message that stalking will not be tolerated. This shows just how serious we are about tackling violence against women. Our priority is the victims and we will do all we can to protect them. Stalkers will not get away with it. They must be dragged out of the shadows and brought to justice”. November 27, 2012 |