MP Calls For Support For New Chiswick Hostel

Mary Macleod wants local residents to support St. Margaret's House

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Local MP Mary Macleod has called on the community in Chiswick to support a new hostel for young people when it opens shortly.

St. Margaret's House in Sutton Court Road is being refurbished to provide 26 flats and support services for young people aged 16-21.

Mary said; "Young people who are homeless or leaving care often miss out on the chance to gain the life skills crucial to preparing for adult life. St Margaret's House will help provide these young people with the support they need and help them build an independent life.

"By working together to support this scheme, I believe we can make a real difference to these young people's lives and help them take the first steps to building successful, independent and fulfilling lives for themselves.”

Mary was joined recently by local residents at an Open Evening she organised with Shepherd’s Bush Housing Group (SBHG) at the soon-to-be-opened supported housing scheme at St Margaret’s House. The scheme will be run by SBHG.

SBHG Chief Executive, Paul Doe and Senior Team Manager, Deanne Straker explained how the scheme will work and discussed other similar schemes they have managed elsewhere. Attendees then went on a tour of one of the refurbished studio flats and the other communal facilities.

Mary commented: “I was delighted to have this opportunity to see how the redevelopment of St Margaret’s House is taking shape."

The evening provided an opportunity for local residents to discuss how they could get involved with the scheme further, such as by offering work experience, cooking lessons or mentoring. If any local residents would like to find out more please get in touch with SBHG at

March 1, 2013