Council Announces 'Cap' On Parking Permits

Ealing's visitor voucher charges will be no more than £3.50 per day

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Ealing Council has announced it is to 'cap' visitors' parking permits after its Overview and Scrutiny Committee gave the proposals their unanimous support.

The current all day visitor's voucher costs residents £1. It had been announced that from 1st January 2011 the same voucher would be increased to £5.00 - a rise of 500%.

The news was met with protests from local residents who declared it to be nothing short of scandalous.

Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment Cllr Bassam Mahfouz has announced that the increase won't be as high as previously proposed, he said:

"The maximum daily visitor voucher charge will be capped at £3.50 per day. The cap and other changes to parking charges and services such as the introduction of direct debit will commence in January 2011."

The cap will nevertheless see the cost of vouchers rise by 350%.

Ealing Council had previously rejected proposals for special parking permits for carers and medical staff in the borough.

Councillor Mahfouz added that the CPZ Scrutiny Panel will be looking at options for other annual permits such as for carer’s at their next meeting.

Currently there are several different vouchers in operation - some are all day and others are for three hours. The council is intending to move to a 50p hourly rate which they say will help those who are only parking for a short time.


Ealing Council’s Controlled Parking Zones Specialist Scrutiny Panel will be meeting on Wednesday 10 November at 7pm in Ealing Town Hall to discuss the changes.

You can attend - find out more here

October 28, 2010