Save Our Tea Lady Petition

Ravenscourt Park Café regulars urge council to retain culinary talents of Ms Craze

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Ravenscourt Park Café regulars were so concerned to hear that their favourite tea lady Danielle Craze might lose her lease; they joined forces to petition the council.

The current lease, which is due to expire imminently, has been put out to tender by the council to allow other businesses to make their pitch to run the café. Whilst this is understandable, regulars are anxious that a faceless catering company will be awarded the contract and their much-loved haunt be altered beyond recognition.

Local resident and initiator of the petition, Amanda Lees, stated in a letter to the council “I absolutely respect that the tender process has to be followed and I am sure everyone knows that the council will approach this with the utmost professionalism.

“All I and everybody who signed the petition would ask is that you take into account our feelings, those of the people who love and use the cafe, often on a daily basis. It would affect so many lives, and not for the better, if Danny were to lose her lease.

“I would ask you to simply read some of the comments people have left and then you will understand just how deeply so many people feel about the marvellous place she has created."

Councillor Paul Bristow, cabinet member for resident services said "We are pleased to note that there is such a good level of support for keeping a good café in Ravenscourt Park. We have welcomed a proposal from the current tenant, along with other expressions of interest, and we are confident that the café will continue to be a popular and successful part of the park."

July 20, 2007