Colin Firth Speaks Out Against Art Deco Cinema's Demise

Multi award winning actor joins local thespians in bid to save Hammersmith building

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Man of the moment Colin Firth has given a huge boost to the campaign to save Hammersmith’s Art Deco Cinema.

The multi award winning actor joins fellow local residents Joely Richardson, Dougray Scott, Ralph Fiennes, Shameless actor David Threlfall and Carlo Nero along with in a bid to stop the Council from demolishing the 1930s Cineworld cinema.

Ralph Fiennes said: “As one of the last few remaining in London, this is a local building of merit, profitable, and very popular with not just the local community but people from surrounding areas as well. It should be preserved for future generations. Any development would not only lead to an irrevocable loss to the spirit of the area, but would also be a blemish on the landscape.”

Joely Richardson added: “Please do not get rid of the cinema, and ruin the skyline of the beautiful and historic riverside walk. I grew up around Hammersmith and Chiswick, and part of my lifeline was escaping to the local cinema, it played a big part in my decision to become an actress."

A spokesperson for Save Our Skyline (SOS), a community group formed to campaign for appropriate redevelopment of the area, said that over 6,000 signatures had been received on the cinema petition. He added that whilst SOS was honoured to have received such high profile support, it came as no surprise as “they are merely reflecting the feelings of the community as a whole.”

Although the deadline for letters to reach LBHF planning department was 4th January 2011, Hammersmith & Fulham Council's Head of Development Management Regeneration said: "We will accept any letter of representation made to us up until the application goes to planning applications committee which I suspect will not be several months so please be assured that any letter submitted after 4th January will indeed be given full consideration by the council as planning authority."

December 5, 2010