Train Station Bike Thief Sought

Wanted in relation to thefts at Chiswick, Mortlake and Richmond

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Officers from British Transport Police would like to talk to the man picture to the right after cycles were stolen from Mortlake, Chiswick and Richmond train stations.

Around 3pm on Friday, 8 April, a man walked over the bridge at Mortlake station and took a bike from the station.  He is seen tampering with the lock on a grey Ridge Hybrid bicycle at around 12.45pm, and is then seen to return, wearing the same clothing and helmet at 1.20pm, when he takes the bike.

A white framed Trek bike, was stolen from Richmond station around 3.15pm on Saturday, 7 May. It has grey and orange diagonal stripes and the serial number of WTU254C1243E.

Members of the public should not approach anyone who they believe to be displayed in the images but contact British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference B8 LSA of 23/8/2011 and the picture number.

Alternatively contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 and give the identity of the person shown, quoting the reference number accompanying the picture. Information will be anonymous.

August 24, 2011