Black Lion Hosts Antique Fairs through December

Buy a collectable for Christmas at market on Sundays

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Photos courtesy of David Mason

The Black Lion

The "All" Black Lion Proves a Winner


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The festive buying season is upon us and the Black Lion is offering a chance to buy collectables and antiques in time for Christmas.

Very civilised Antique Fairs are taking place in December at the established venue

The Black Lion
2 South Black Lion Lane
W6 9TJ

The fairs are on Sunday December 11 and Sunday December 18.

The Black Lion is a 250 year old pub on the river in Hammersmith/Chiswick border with a very large flagstone patio.

This is a traditional outdoor event under large canopies and marquees.

Growing in popularity, the antique fair runs on Sundays from midday till 3pm, though some dealers set up from 10am and run through to 4pm.

They have a very hot open chiminey fire burning logs and Live Jazz from 1pm till 3pm. The Black Lion also does a great Sunday roast (order early as it gets very busy on a Sunday) and boasts a fine wine list.

Trade has been brisk with antique dealers selling paintings, rare books, silver, jeweller, clothes, trinkets and even furniture and as the patio is ideal for this style of event, there are plans to continue to expand this area into a fully tented market throughout 2012.

December 3, 2011