Four Rounds, Four Courses - Updated

Local charity golfing challenge

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Just Giving Charity Site

James and Philip ready to tee off

They did it and have the cards to prove it!

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Two businessmen are taking on the golf courses around Ealing today (Tuesday 15 June) - no big deal you might think - but they'll be carrying their own bags (30lb in weight) and walking over 20 miles - all in aid of charity.

34 year old Philip Slater who runs a software company in Chiswick and his friend James Stern, 28, are raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support by attempting to play 4 rounds of golf, on four different local courses, in a single day.

They won't be using trolleys or buggies throughout the day around the courses, and will be playing in excess of 300 shots.

They will be playing rounds at Wyke Green, Ealing, West Middlesex and Airlinks and would like to thank the golf courses for allowing them to attempt the challenge.

Philip says:

''The idea for the challenge came about over a beer in the clubhouse after James and I had just completed 36 holes one Saturday. We were both absolutely exhausted and someone jokingly proposed another few holes. The challenge then began to form in our heads and we became committed to the idea when we were told by another golfer that our concept would be 'totally impossible without using buggies, or a caddy at the very least.

'' There are so many worthy charities to choose from these days, however Cancer is a disease that has impacted on both of our families and Macmillan does fantasic work in supporting people affected by cancer and their friends and relatives.''

Just Giving Charity Site

Update: Philip and James have completed their challenge!

Read all about it here

Philip says:

'' We started as planned at 6am at Ealing GC and finished at 8pm, a couple of hours ahead of schedule. It was an exhausting but rewarding day and whilst we have some blisters to show for it, we are already contemplating next year's challenge, when we may go for 90 holes (5 rounds)!''





June 17th, 2010