Our Sporting Life

Exhibition and fun day at Gunnersbury Park Museum

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Gunnersbury Park Museum will be opening its doors to the ‘Our Sporting Life’ exhibition with a family sports extravaganza on Sunday, 26 February.

The family fun day will have something for children of all ages to enjoy, including making their own sports medal, a healthy eating challenge and they will even get to be the star on the mock-up of the cover of a sports magazine.

Brentford Football Club Community Sports Trust will also be holding a number of hands-on sporting events throughout the day, including:
* Mini football skills sessions
* Short tennis
* Ultimate frisbee
* Cricket
* Boxercise.

Councillor Julian Bell, leader of the council, said: “The fun day is a great opportunity for families to come along and enjoy the free activities, while getting to know the park and its buildings a lot better. I am excited to see what the future holds for the park and this is a perfect chance for local people to be a part of the park’s community life.”

The sports event takes place in Gunnersbury Park on Sunday, 26 February 11am – 4pm. Admission is free.

Our Sporting Life – a celebration of local sporting clubs and heroes exhibition at Gunnersbury Park Museum, Saturday, 25 February until Friday, 30 March 11am – 4pm. Admission is free.

For more information about the event, call the Gunnersbury Park team on 020 8992 2247.

8th February 2012