Hammersmith and Fulham Council is consulting on £2.7million plans to build a new slip-road at the top of Fulham Palace Road, as part of its Get H&F Moving campaign.
Around 200 more vehicles per hour will be able to clear the junction if the new slip-road is built leading to reduced queuing, improved journey times and better air quality, according to the council’s transport experts.
The main difference in the proposed layout is that northbound traffic is split from buses making their way into Hammersmith bus station and enters the gyratory further west.
The new design will help the flow of vehicles around Hammersmith Gyratory and up and down the congested Fulham Palace Road, according to the council.
A new series of signal controlled crossing points, across all arms of the new junction, will also allow the new junction to operate more efficiently and provide easier access into the Broadway centre.
Cllr Nick Botterill, H&F Council Deputy Leader, says: " This new layout will relieve a lot of pressure at the top of Fulham Palace Road and free up one of the most congested north-south routes in our borough. "
Other benefits of the new layout include:
* More cycle parking
* More street trees
* Wider and repaved footways
* Direct and accessible crossings over slip road and to Broadway
* Linking existing cycle routes avoiding busy gyratory
* Improved lighting and signage
* Improved CCTV coverage
* More litter bins and ‘gum bins’
Construction work is expected to begin in August 2011 and continue until March 2012, subject to the results of the current consultation.
The work complies with a key part of the council’s transport plan – The Driver’s Charter – that includes a pledge to review unnecessary traffic lights, signage and bus lanes, all in an attempt to improve the flow of traffic.
If you would like to know more about the proposals, visit Get H&F Moving or send your comments to sliproad@lbhf.gov.uk by Sunday June 19.
May 26, 2011