Do You Like Your Local Shop Fronts ?

Council to help make high streets look smarter


Report by Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Five Year Street Improvements Plan Announced

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Hounslow Council is consulting on plans to help shop owners improve their shop fronts to make areas more attractive for shoppers and visitors.

The council wants people’s views on design guidelines that set out the basic principles for what new shop fronts should look like, making it easier for shop owners who want to improve the appearance of their business to design something that is attractive, and helps boost local trade.

The draft Shop Front Design Guidelines set out the standard of design expected from new or renovated shop fronts across the borough, and how frontages should respect local features and use appropriate materials.

Cllr Ruth Cadbury, cabinet member for planning at the council, said:

“Poor design and cheap materials can lead to unattractive shop fronts and inappropriate signs dominating the street scene, which has a negative impact on an entire shopping area.

“We are committed to improving the situation and ensuring that alterations to shop fronts are well designed, and contribute positively to the surrounding area.

“This will not only help businesses attract customers, but will also improve the appearance of streets for everyone that uses them.”

The borough-wide guidelines are part of a concerted effort by the council to improve shop fronts across the borough.

Last year, several shops in Brentford and Hounslow town centres received grants to improve their shop fronts with more attractive design and smarter signage, funded by the Mayor of London’s Outer London Fund.

A second phase of this scheme in both towns will be launching in March next year, and details about how businesses can apply will be published nearer the time.

The consultation runs from 17 September to 21 October, and can be completed at Hard copies of the draft guidelines are available in local libraries with consultation questionnaires that can be filled in and returned to the council.


September 21, 2012