Anti-Social Behaviour Drops in Hounslow Estate

Success for summer crackdown by police and Council

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Complaints of anti-social behaviour (ASB) on a Hounslow estate have plummeted according to figures released this week.

Hounslow Police said there were 38 complaints to Estate Police Officers (EPOs) from residents about ASB in Convent Way, Heston, in July and August, compared to 50 during the same period last year – a 24 per cent drop.  

The news comes after a summer crackdown on ASB by Hounslow Police, Hounslow Council, Hounslow Homes and Hounslow Highways.

Inspector Kandohla from Heston Neighbourhood Policing Team said: "My team has been working tirelessly over the summer months, with partners, to deal with the ASB issues in Convent Way.

“By targeting repeat offenders and flexing our shifts to be available later into the evening, we have been able to make a real difference for local people. We won't be easing up as we move into the autumn, targeting those who make life difficult for the most vulnerable members of the community."

Councillor Ed Mayne, cabinet member for community safety and regulatory services, said: “The fall in complaints is evidence that our joint working is having a real impact on improving the quality of life for our residents.  While this is good news, we will not rest on our laurels and will continue to stand up to anti-social behaviour.” 

Councillor Steve Curran , cabinet member for housing, planning and regeneration, said: “We introduced Estates Police Officers primarily to help combat anti-social behaviour on our estates and they are already having a positive effect.  These figures show we are moving in the right direction and improving the quality of life of residents.”

Bernadette O’Shea, chief executive at Hounslow Homes, said: “The Hounslow Homes neighbourhood warden service is delighted with this new collaborative approach with Hounslow Council and the police.  This early success is just what we hoped would be achieved and we hope the trend is maintained.”

September 19, 2013