Hounslow Clamp Down On Litter Louts

Team up with local police to keep the borough clean

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Police officers and environment officers from Hounslow Highways teamed up with Hounslow Council in a clamp down on litterlouts. 

Officers patrolled Brentford and Hounslow high streets looking out for anyone dropping litter recently. 

Cllr Ellar and Cllr Mel Collins with team of officers from Hounslow Police and Highways in Brentford.

Councillor Colin Ellar, deputy leader and cabinet member for environment, said: “Hounslow Highways and the council are working hard to keep the borough clean and with over 800 litter bins across the borough there is simply no excuse to spoil our streets.   

“My message to litter louts is simple – don’t drop litter or you could be landed with an on-the spot fine.” 

Inspector Ricky Kandohla said : “ Working in close partnership with our local authority has given us a good opportunity to deal with the environmental issues that have affected so many of our local residents. Introducing this clamp down has also cleaned up certain areas which gives the effect of a crime and clean free area. Such initiatives will continue across Hounslow. “ 

Hounslow Highways service director Rob Gillespie said: “Our cleansing regime is constantly evolving to cater for seasonal changes and to give the borough a better, deeper clean. While it is our job to carry out street cleansing, it is up to everyone to dispose of their litter and waste responsibly. Only when this happens will we start to see the positive effects of a cleaner, greener borough that we can all be proud of.” 

The clampdown on litterlouts will continue throughout the borough.


November 14, 2013